Saturday 23 January 2016

HAPPY 2016

I admit it – I'm terrible at blogging.

I can't believe I only wrote one post last year! I meant to keep you up to date – particularly with news of upcoming craft markets. In reality, everything keeps happening so fast, and I never get around to writing about any of it! Allow me to fill you in on my whirlwind of a Christmas.

I ended up doing two craft markets in November, and made some major improvements to my booth and selling strategy from last year. It worked! Here are some tips I learned, and hopefully they will help any other crafters out there who may stumble upon my blog!

1. APPEARANCE: I browsed Pinterest for inspiration, and ended up using wooden crates to build height and make my booth look more attractive. It was easier to showcase my art on the “miniature shelves,” rather than piling things up in baskets. Also, if I made more than one of the same item, I only displayed one at a time so my display would not be too crowded. Lastly, I chose a featured product, set it at a great price, and used light to draw people's attention toward it.

2. PRICING: I decided to round my prices to even $5, $10, $15 etc. so it would be easier for customers, since I was only able to accept cash; also, I kept in mind that last year, most of my potential customers found my prices to be too high, so I purposely made products this year that I could sell at affordable prices.

3. VARIETY: Last year, I made several copies of the same three designs. I realised that it took all the fun out of doing crafts - almost turning it into a monotonous chore! This year, I made a huge range of different products; not only was it more fun for me, but there were so many more options for my customers to choose from!

3. CONNECTIONS: At craft markets, I've found that it's more fun to meet other crafters and make new friends, than to view all the other booths as competition. It makes the event fun – even if you don't sell as much as you hoped. I even learned some great tips from some of my new crafting friends; it's more rewarding to be able to help each other succeed, than to try on your own.

5. LOCATION: One of the tips I learned from a fellow crafter is that outdoor markets seem to have the best attendance. I have been to three indoor markets now, and none of them were really that busy. Since I can't afford to do any major shows, like the One-Of-A-Kind Show, I think I'll try an outdoor market next – maybe this spring or summer!

And now, I'm excited to announce...
...I've FINALLY opened my Etsy shop!!!

I wanted to be able to refer my craft market customers back to an online shop – especially if they didn't end up purchasing anything at the market – so I pushed myself to open my Etsy shop before my first November show. The shop was more successful than I could have hoped! November was the perfect time to jump right into Christmas-time madness! I was kept so busy right through December, and I even mailed out an urgent package right on Christmas Day! (Needless to say, I'm going to set my get-it-in-time-for-Christmas deadline back a bit next year!)

Anyway, I am astounded at how amazing Etsy is, so I would definitely highly recommend it to any other crafter out there who is looking for something to help their business take off!

Check out my shop here: :)

What's next for me in 2016? Well, I'm very happy to share that I've been hired to do illustrations for the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada! They are producing monthly children's stories that use a cute little kitten to teach lessons about God. They are available on the C&MA website to be downloaded and used as Sunday School lessons or bedtime stories! Check them out here:

How about you? Do you have any craft market or Etsy shop tips or success stories? Please share them in the comments. :)

Until we meet again,

Alison Taylor-Harder :)

P.S. One of my new crafting friends is Marion from SMITTEN. I met her and her husband at one of the November craft markets, and they are so nice!! She makes the most adorable miniature foods out of clay, and then turns them into jewellery! I have a couple of pieces myself, and I love them!! Check out her Facebook shop:

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